Will There Be A Tomodachi Life 2 Movie

Feb 22, 2020 How to Delete a Mii on Tomodachi Life. Perhaps you have reached the 100 Miis limit on your island, or perhaps you have simply created a Mii you don't like. Whatever your reason, deleting Miis on Tomodachi Life is a simple process. I’m pretty sure there is going to be a Tomodachi Life 2 because it was the 10th bestselling game on the 3DS (after Ultrasun/Moon) with 6.4 million sales. There are lots of games with less sales that also got sequels so I’m pretty confident that there will be a Tomodachi Life sequel on the Switch. Do you guys think Tomodachi Life 2 will happen? Tomodachi life 2/sequel. If there was a second tomodachi would want them to be able to let you transfer mii's with everything they had from the original game and be.
So I'm a huge fan of Tomodachi Life (Don't ask why, I don't know either... xD) and I got a spotpass notification and it said something like 'Tomodachi Life will support spotpass for another year and will give costumes untill the end of 2016'. Then it got me thinking, why are they stopping in 2017? Maybe it's because it's a new game? But why are they saying it through spotpass in Tomodachi Life? Oh, maybe Tomodachi Life 2?! What do you think?
Will There Be A Tomodachi Life 2 Release Date
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