- Outgoing Leader Tomodachi Life
- Tomodachi Life Personality Outgoing Leader
- Tomodachi Life Outgoing Leader Meme
- Tomodachi Life Outgoing Leaders
Tomodachi Dreams (Tomodachi Collection: New Dreams in Japan) is the sequel to Tomodachi Life. The game features same-sex relationships, slightly more control over the miis, and more involved dream sequences. The game takes place on an island inhabited by various Miis, which the player can import from their 3DS, other devices, or QR codes, or create from scratch using the 3DS' camera or the in.
'Hello everyone! My name is Tila!
(That's t-eye-la, don't get it wrong!)
I'm our new very own mascot and poster girl for our community! You might have seen me around already with our new launch image and sidebar!'

'It's nice to meet everyone! I'll answer any questions you might have about myself or the community. But first off, let me tell you a little of myself!'
'So as you know I'll be the poster girl for this community! It's an honor, but this just means I'll be showcased on most or any promotional material for this community and be the one mostly involved in any events or chats!'
'I'm eighteen years of age, even though this community is a little over a year old, my birthday is still October 15th!'
Outgoing Leader Tomodachi Life
'I'm also an outgoing leader, according to my personality. Makes sense! Since I'm /basically/ leading this community now!'
'or.. er.. at least I'm the face of it.'
Tomodachi Life Personality Outgoing Leader
Tomodachi Life Outgoing Leader Meme
'I absolutely can't wait to meet everyone! I'm sure that this community will be just as lovely with me here, especially with those pretty new decorations! I hope everyone is really enjoying themselves. If you ever have a question or need help, I am always here to help!'
Tomodachi Life Outgoing Leaders
'Oh! And did I mention you can actually have me on your island? Wow! What an honor!
I love to travel. It would be awesome if you let me visit your island sometime! I also love meeting new people!'